viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

Health “Eating disorders”: Review of concepts as seen last year

1.Steroid: Any of a large group of fat-soluble organic compounds, as the sterols, bile acids, and sex hormones, most of which have specific physiological action. Link 

Sentence: "Some of the changes make for a stronger steroid."

2.Purging: To rid of whatever is impure or undesirable; cleanse; purify. Link

Sentence: "Jonathan A purging of pot plants from politicians'.

3.Binge: A period or bout, usually brief, of excessive indulgence, as in eating, drinking alcoholic beverages, etc.; spree. Link

Sentence: "Teenage binge drinkers set course for life."

4.Obesity: The condition of being very fat or overweight; corpulence. Link

Sentence: "Obesity is considered an epidemic, rampant in USA and other developed nations."

5.Anorexia: Loss of appetite and inability to eat. Link

Sentence: "Daniel has finally revealed the horror behind his teenage anorexia, a condition that almost killed him."

6.Bulimia: Also called hyperphagia. Pathology. abnormally voracious appetite or unnaturally constant hunger. Link

Sentence: "Jill teenage girls with early signs of anorexia and bulimia are."

7.Manorexia: Its the same of anorexia, but in a man.

Sentence: "Sebastian has anorexia product of bulimia"

8.Bigorexia: Muscle dysmorphia. Link

Sentence: "Agustin has bigorexia, because he go to much to the gym."

 9.Body dysmorphic disorder: A mental disorder characterized by distorted body image and obsessions about perceived physical shortcomings. Link

Sentence: "Skin picking or neurotic excoriation has been reported in a high percentage of patients with body dysmorphic disorder."