miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015

Diary Entry Arranged Marriages

November 12th

 Dear Diary, today I met a nice woman named Sarah, who went by the store of my parents. She had a smile very nice, a few eyes impressive and its presence was very nice. We went out to eat where we had the opportunity to get to know one another more, she was a British which had been a year ago to India by exchange of the university where he found very nice India and decide to stay here. With so much talk about we step the time until you get to be at night. We took a taxi to go to leave it to your home.

November 13th

I woke up super happy, lower to take breakfast, my mom was doing me some delicious toast, while my dad was reading the newspaper. When we sat down for breakfast my mother looked at me with a face of concern, I asked him what was happening, my dad tells me that I am going to have to marry a woman by the tradition had to be fulfilled, which had been treated with another family when I was a kid. I got up from the table grab my things and I went to see Sarah. I told him what was happening to me and she told me that it was not my duty get married I felt the same, but the tradition was to be fulfilled. 

November 14th 

When I woke up there were grumblings certain noises in the dining room of the house, I got dressed and went down to see who they were. When it comes to the kitchen I saw the family of the daughter they had to get married, they were very friendly the daughter as well, she was nice, but the problem that I don't want to marry her because I am in love with Sara and I would like to start a relationship with her even if they don't know. Even that I said that I didn't want to marry her in the kitchen, given my explanation that it could not be a forced marriage, even when they say the tradition, but my parents and other family understood this, but they had to meet the tradition or whether they would not be breaking the religion.

November 15th 

 Packing my things and I decided to leave my parents, because if I stayed with them could not be happy, so I decided to go to the home of Sara.

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